Events, sports, functions are some of the times when capturing the moment is of utmost importance & has today become a big business with just the photography budget running into lakhs of rupees because of the importance attached to the recording of the event.
To photograph these a combination of skills, proper planning, team work & a lot of coordination is required. For example, to cover one of the popular marathons there is a minimum team of forty photographers covering various stages of the race.
Students of the one year diploma are given real time exposure to these events which help them in getting the required experience as well as in gaining confidence & giving them the required exposure in building their portfolio.
Some past events covered:
In the first ever Junior Skills Championship 2021 for classes VI-XII the joint organizers - National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) and National Film Development Corporation(NFDC) chose Delhi School of Photography as Technical Support Partner for Digital Photography.
These are only some of the events that have been covered by team DSP & mentioned here to help in understanding the exposure students are given during the one year diploma course.