Food Photography Course in Delhi

Photography Courses for Amateurs in Delhi

All photographs displayed have been taken by our students and alumni

Food Photography Course

Food photography is a still life photography genre used to create attractive still life photographs of food. It is a specialization of commercial photography.

The Food Photography course is mostly practical in which the aspiring photographer is taught in a step wise manner how to take interesting photographs of different kinds of food & ingredients used while cooking.

During the Food Photography course, the students will be looking at how to take attractive pictures of food that would make people would want to eat it due to its visual appeal.

During the course, the students will understand how an image of the food looks inviting and appealing and will be to look at the freshness, color, texture by the choosing the right kind of food and ingredients,using the right props, background and composition. The students will also learn how to set the food, the camera settings and the right lighting with help of indoor as well as natural and outdoor light to bring the best visual appeal to the subject.

The students are taught the intricacies of shooting food to make it look fresh & appealing.

The module will cover both indoor & outdoor food photography.

Week Day

12 Classes

Week Day Batch

To be announced

From Faculty Team of DSP

To be announced

Rs. 25,000 + GST @18% totalling to Rs.29,500


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